It became clear to my husband and me that the Cheder structure does not address my children’s talents. We have started to understand that our children’s talents are not being given the opportunity to be answered, expressed, or explored in any of our community settings. To add insult to injury, our children are required to conform into expectations that are beyond them.
For example, my son is passionate about sports. He truly enjoys jumping, running, and playing with a ball - as he does his best socializing through sport activities. Unfortunately, the school setting is not sufficiently developed in this field, leaving my son feeling frustrated and miserable. Another one of my boys adores cooking and baking. So much so that, every once in a while, he volunteers on the weekends to prepare breakfast for the whole family. I can see his happiness and how calm he feels whenever he is helping me in the kitchen. Unfortunately, the school setting does not even have the awareness for this fascinating field of cooking and baking.
We reached a crossroad, desperately hoping for a better route.
From this moment forth the fundamental decision was made; to create a setting that will provide a variety of subjects to work with each child’s talent. The setting will embed and emphasize creativity, adventure, encouragement, and most importantly “Chanoch La’Naar Al Pi Darko” (educate the child according to his way). I shared this idea with family and friends and they support the idea. Everybody admired, cheered, and farther promoted the idea. When I consulted Rabbi, he said “HaShem NaTan Lachem Pikadon, TaFkid HaHorim LacCashov Eich LeChanach Et Yaldehem BeDerch HaTora VeYereit Shamaim” (God gave you a deposit, it’s the parents’ role to figure out how to educate their children on a path of Torah and God fearing). Furthermore, I consulted a medical doctor who specialized in Psychology, she applauded, encouraged, and wished me luck.
Armed with enormous endorsements and big hopes, I started my new journey with prayers to the Creator; “Please Hashem, you brought me to this point, help me be your ambassador, channel through me all the necessities, being physical or spiritual, for your children “Tinokot of Bait Raban”, so that I can successfully carry out your mission”. Indeed, things are falling into place by means of small and big miracles which are flourishing all around. I truly feel the ‘hands’ of Hashem accompanying, protecting, and assisting me. “Yehi Shem Hashem MeVorach” (let Hashem’s name be blessed). “BeShem Hashem Na’ase Ve’natzliyach” (in the name of Hashem we should act and succeed).
Yours truly

Our Story Part Two

Cheder Menahem Plus